
About the Mystagogy

A New Comprehensive Mystagogy Guide and Workbook

A comprehensive mystagogy for the purgative period in a leader's guide, COMPETENCY-BASED PARISH MYSTAGOGY: ASCENT THROUGH THE PURGATIVE PERIOD and a participant'workbook, MYSTAGOGY TAMES THE WANDERING DEMON, are available on Amazon and include the SPIRITUAL SELF-ASSESSMENT (SSA) by Arthur Sullivan, Ph.D. We need 1,000 people to complete and send us a copy of the long form SSA to complete the validation of the assessment.
What We Do

Mystagogy is the fourth period of becoming a fully-formed Catholic 'on-the-grow.'

The tasks of Mystagogy (Catechism #1025) are to lead through proclaiming (Catechesis) 1) from the visible to the invisible, 2) from the symbols of faith to the realities, 3) from sacraments to the mysteries of faith, 4) as a “public work” of the Church to develop, learn from, and share local “catechisms”, i.e., program manuals, and 5) to lead Catholics into the Sacramental culture of the Church, i.e., a world that is pregnant with meaning in a secular world and marked with signs of God’s presence, power, and healing for all. Deacon Ray.

About the Author

Deacon Ray Biersbach, Ph.D.

I am a Catholic deacon and a retired psychologist. After 40 years of practicing psychotherapy, researching, teaching at university, and running a large psychology department for the State of New Jersey, I closed my practice to write about the intersection between Christian anthropology and empirically validated psychotherapy.

Book by Deacon Ray Biersbach